Saturday, July 14, 2007

June 10. Getting Ready for the Grand Tour - Last phone call at Dulles

It is Sunday night, June 10 and we are at Dulles Airport getting ready to fly to Zurich. These next postings are a more or less chronological account of The Grand Tour 07 that Judy, Jim and I took. The Grand Tour was originally a tour taken by British men when they finished their education and prior to their embarking on their life's work. They often traveled to Europe and stayed an extended time, sometimes as frequently as several years. You can read more about the original tour here. The time period was from around 1660 until the arrival of mass travel by rail in the 1820s. The Getty had an exhibition about the Grand Tour in Italy in 2002. By 2007 you could take a Grand Tour sponsored by Wine Spectator, a Grand Tour bike ride in Malibu, and our wonderful Grand Tour of art in Europe, not to be confused with the official one.

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